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Gator Skins shirts are created with knitted sleeve cuffs to maintain cold air out and crew collars to keep out with the strategy for other gear the rider could be using. The shirts also provide extra long tails to remain tucked in. Fitting the Gator Skin shirt-- The shirt is most often worn over the cotton t-shirt, though some customers prefer to wear them next towards the skin. The shirts should be worn loose being a t-shirt. Wearing Gator Skin shirts too tight will impede their water repellent properties in addition to their warming capacity. Water repellent-- When fitted properly Gator Skins will repel water. Breathability-- Though Gator Skins repel water they allow air circulation with the fibers. Air molecules are smaller than water molecules and move through the fabric, but the larger water is blocked with the micro fibers and turned away. Heat retention-- The secret of our performance is in our patented construction and fabric. Ultra microfibers retain just the right level of warm air next for the body insulating our bodies perfectly for a comfortable ride. Though Gator Skins can be a breathable material, still it retains warmth inside a miraculous new way. Due on the various fibers used, Gator Skins contain the power to allow some air to feed and some fibers to warm quickly store warm air molecules. This second fiber has an incredible number of tiny air pockets that trap warm air thus warming the fibers themselves, creating an inviting and pleasant experience. Damage proof-- Gator Skins will not likely fray, even though you somehow have the ability to tear an opening in one of our shirts, it will not likely fray. Cleaning instructions-- Gator Skins should be washed in cold or tepid to warm water normally. They needs to be hung to dry or run with an air dry cycle inside the dryer. Gator skins can be dried in the hot dryer, but because of its unique knitted properties the shirts fibers will tighten up. A quick fluffing with the shirt will bring it returning to normal size. GATOR SKINS WILL NOT SHRINK
Product Features
Warmth without bulk. Great for any cold weather activities.
Proudly Made In the U.S.A.
Best damn riding shirts made.
Light weight, not confining or itchy
Gloves and pants also available
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